Kiosk customization service

Porteus Kiosk offers a wide range of modifications through our Kiosk Wizard utility.

In some cases this may not be enough to fulfill business needs so we are pleased to offer a dedicated customization service which allows us to modify the system with additional functions not available by default.



Terms and conditions

Available system modifications

Sample screens and video


a) Your role is to specify which functions need to be added to the system and our role is to provide a price quotation for the build.

b) Delivery time depends on complexity and complications we come across when developing the requested feature. Usually it takes a working day for simple customization and up to a few weeks for complicated ones.

c) Next step in the process is to pay an invoice which is issued to you.

d) Once we receive the payment we assign the custom features to your systems which are activated for updates. If only selected kiosks should receive the customizations then you need to tell us their PCIDs.

e) After a reboot your systems will have all the standard functions selected in the first run wizard and additional ones provided in the extra component(s) which we have added through the 'automatic updates' service.

Terms and conditions that apply to kiosk customization service

Last updated: June 10, 2024

1) Before you buy the customization you are obliged to test Porteus Kiosk or its Cloud/ThinClient variants to make sure that your hardware is fully compatible with it. This is required to avoid the situation where we do all the heavy work, you pay us money and after a week or month you find out that linux driver causes troubles for your display or wifi does not work reliably. In this case we won't return the money as we have performed the customization job correctly. Please make sure that your hardware is compatible with our system before querying us for a customized build.

2) Bugs which are related to additional functions included in customized builds will be fixed without an additional charge. If you request new features then they will need to be paid separately.

3) If the reported problem is related to a customization and is unsolvable then we return the money that you have paid to us. You will need to prove that both conditions are true. SSH and VNC access to the kiosk may be required in order to troubleshoot the problem. We will query you for the connection details like kiosk IP, SSH/VNC password, port if needed.

4) We accept online payments only: wire bank transfer and credit/debit card payment. Please do not send us bank checks as our bank: ING Bank Slaski does not accept them. Payment details are included in the invoice which we send to you by email.

5) After paying for the customization you do not become a software owner. The system and the function implemented through the customization still belongs to its original authors (the person or entity which wrote the code).

When ordering a system customization from us you automatically agree to the terms outlined above.

Available system modifications

NEW Custom branding: replace default Porteus Kiosk bootsplash picture with one presenting your own company logo/image. Remove all references to Porteus Kiosk so after the installation the users will not be able to determine which operating system runs the kiosk. Sample video presenting this feature:

  • Integrate LibreOffice office suite with the system.
  • Integrate additional applications: VLC player for network streaming (RTP, RTSP, MMS, etc) and quicktime/mkv/wmv video support, Acrobat Reader, FoxitReader, Evince, DjvuLibre viewer, EPUB reader, etc.
  • Integrate Firefox extensions: AdBlock, NoScript, Im Translater, etc.
  • Integrate Google Chrome extensions: Google Input Tools, AdBlock, etc.
  • Add 'onboard' system virtual keyboard which works on Firefox's URL bar and input fields implemented through iframes.
  • Localize browser to specific language: German, French, Spanish, Polish, etc.
  • Custom level of the Firefox/Chrome locking: access to preferences, allow installing addons, other.
  • Add support for scanners and integrate scanning software: Simple-Scan, Scangearmp, XSane, other.
  • Integrate LAMP stack (Apache, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin) or nodejs web server allowing the kiosk to host a local webpage.
  • Add support for 4G/5G modems through the NetworkManager/ModemManager applications.
  • Integrate noVNC or Guacamole software with the system so its possible to connect to the kiosk desktop directly from any html5 enabled browser (no additional plugins/addons required).
  • Integrate proprietary or 3rd party ELO, eGalax, PQLabs, POSTouch, Displax, GeneralTouch or other touchscreen drivers.
  • Integrate proprietary hplip-plugin and printing drivers which are not available in our operating system by default.
  • Add support for Samba and 'smb://' protocol so its possible to print to Windows shared printers.
  • Force printing related settings, e.g. margins.
  • Integrate wifi wizard which pop-ups during system boot when network connection is not available and allows connecting to wireless networks in range (e.g. kiosk used on a mobile device).
  • Open two browser windows with different homepages on two screens (dual monitor setup).
  • Open a single application window (browser, Citrix Receiver, etc) and stretch it on two or more screens.
  • Add support for standalone java/flash applications (content which is not embedded in the browser).
  • Bind function keys from the laptop to specific functions in the system: mute/unmute sound, rise and lower volume/brightness level, enable sleep mode, launch specific application, etc.

  • If your business requires customization then please don't hesitate to query for prices.

    Sample screens and video presenting kiosk build with advanced customizations